Registration for Consumer
SWABHIYAN (Kinkabazar+Farms2Homes) Benefits its
Consumers on Many Counts.
1. Under One roof of Kinkabazar.in all primary produce such as cereals, pulses, millets & jaggery, edible oils will be available directly from Kisan / Farmer
companies, so minimum or zero chances of adulteration.
4. You will find a real unity in diversity, a basic principle of Indian nation formation through the presence of wide spectrum of primary produce across India.
7. Eventually it will guarantee the consumers, supply of the pure, clean, toxin free variety of agri-produce. The consumer gets Value for Money.
10. Committed consumer base is created for farmers FPCs, thereby removing capitalist traders, agents & middlemen. This benefits the farmer as producer & consumer as end user on price front.
2. Exotic, special, geographically tagged, rich in nutrition contents, Indian origin primary produce across India made available on our Kinkabazar portal.
For example Rice varieties such as Kalanamak of U.P., White Thai Jasmeen from Thailand, Mujubuddin from Kashmir, Govindbhog from Odisha, Basmati from Harayana & Uttarakhand, Indrayani of Maharashtra. Wheats like Bansi, Khapali, Sonamoti, Lokvan, Sarbati etc.
5. Every pack will carry the Farmer Producer company Name, Address, Packing Date, FSSAI no. etc. This will help the consumer to
connect directly to the specific location of cultivation.
8. All batchwise lab. tested Primary produce will be vacuum or nitrogen packed to enhance shelf life up to 1 year.
11. Availability of wide spectrum products belonging to Indian agriculture & village artisans from across pan India.
3. All Certified & Wellness Buster primary produce are certified by respective authorities, per batch or NABL approved laboratory tested for presence of
Residues, Heavy Metals, Ash, Uric acid, Fungus, third party material. These batchwise reports are available for our consumers to see.
6. This motivates the farmer members of respective FPC to focus on producing more of a quality, toxin less agri- produce as there will be adefinite market for their produce.
9. An extraordinary exclusive online e-commerce marketing portal dedicated to strengthening of Indian village economy.
12. Off line after sales support with possible introduction of franchisee model to accomplish fastest delivery time.
13. Very strict verification system for enrolling vendors.
16. Application of principle of SWADESHI by promoting ONLY Make in India value added products.
14. Auto pilot system for quality control & supply.
17. Qualitative & quantitative contribution to ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT .
15. Dedicated to VOCAL FOR LOCAL. We promote local farmers clusters.